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Su Eon (Michael)

Greetings delegates, My name is Su Eon (Michael). I am a senior at International Community School. I am honored to serve as a chair for the World Health Organization in this conference. Having been to multiple conferences for the last three years, I was blessed with the opportunity to meet new people and expand my perspective of the current issues we face as a global community. I believe that MUN is a great opportunity to not only enhance your debating skills but also gain new knowledge on global affairs. Again, I am very honored to chair the World Health Organization, and I am looking forward to have an enjoyable and fruitful conference.

Amy Schroder

I am Amy Schroder from Wells International School, and I will be chairing the World Health Organisation committee. Although this may only be my second year of MUN, I have quickly gained a considerable amount of experience. I have attended a total of 8 conferences, 5 of which I held the role of a delegate, and 3 of which I have chaired. I believe that my passion and knowledge about current issues concerning global health and wellbeing will subsequently help spark passion in the WHO committee. Having chaired at BPSMUN XXII, BKKMUN XXV and WISMUN III, I realise that every chairing experience is never the same and that every committee truly has its own personality. I hope that all delegates in the WHO committee are able to bring their best foot forward to stimulate debate and make this MUN conference exciting.

Download the chair report 


  • The question of addressing massively antibiotic-resistant pathogens  

  • The question of universal access to vaccinations 

  • The issue of preventing the spread of waterborne diseases

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