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Jing Jing Piriyalertsak HIS (Y12)

Dear delegates, chairs, and advisors,

My name is Jing Jing Piriyalertsak and I am in Year 12 at Harrow International School, where I currently study A Levels in History, Economics, English Literature, and Mathematics. I joined Harrow thirteen years ago, and I have been a part of its MUN Club for over five years, with my first real conference having been FOBISIAMUN 2014. Thus, I am honoured to serve as one of your Secretary Generals for what will be my twenty-first conference, and to lead the other incredibly hard-working members of my Secretariat towards putting this conference together, which should hopefully be an educational experience for everyone involved. Apart from MUN, I enjoy discussing fun theories in Harrow’s Historical Association, and the Debating Society. I also like to kill time through obsessing over Game of Thrones plotlines and crying over the life of Alexander Hamilton. I believe that at this conference, all delegates should strive to achieve something new, whether it be main submitting a resolution, making a speech, or even just attempting another method of diplomacy (as fun as it may be to constantly aim for ‘Most Likely to Start WWIII’). I sincerely hope that FOBISIAMUN will be a memorable conference for all of you, and that everyone will be able to engage in productive and thought provoking discussions.


Finlay Prout HIS (Y11)

Welcome delegates and advisors, my name is Finn Prout and I am currently in Year 11 at Harrow International School, where I have been studying for 12 years now. I joined the Harrow MUN club 3 years ago in Year 8 and have been an avid member ever since, racking up attendance to over 12 conferences.  I sincerely believe that this conference will be a great learning curve not only for me, but the many delegates beginning their journey of MUN today. Besides MUN, I enjoy partaking in activities from volleyball to watching many seasons of law shows. Being a "Friends" fanatic, i like to think of myself as a Joey but know i can end up as a Monica at times.  However, in collaboration with the tireless efforts of our secretariat team, I hope to provide a monumental experience, whether as a first time chair, a first time delegate, gaining the courage to make a speech, burning that annoying USA delegate or any individual achievements. I hope this conference can be a place to foster those achievements and provide a fundamental unforgettable conference. Myself and the secretariat team look forward to the fruitful and lively debate, and wish you all an enjoyable whilst intellectually stimulating time.



Ana Kanhasuwan HIS (Y12)


Moe Garnpariyasoonthon HIS (Y12)

My name is Moe and I will be serving as your parliamentarian in this conference. I am currently studying my AS levels at Harrow International School. The four subjects I am currently taking are Physics, Maths, Geography and Art. 


In my free time, I enjoy exploring topics such as marine life and architecture.  If I am not surrounded by past papers and physics equations, my time is usually spent catching up on Netflix series such as Stranger things and Suits. 


Throughout my MUN journey, I have learnt so much and I am still learning, I hope that all of you will be able to take something new from this conference. I believe that MUN teaches you what you are unable to learn in classrooms, MUN allows you to gain a insight on different perspectives, new experiences and find your own solutions to a problem. MUN has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and I hope this conference will do the same for all of you. I look forward to enjoyable and memorable conference with you all!

My name is Ana Kanhasuwan and I will be serving as your parliamentarian for FOBISIAMUN 2017 which will be held in Harrow International School Bangkok.


I am currently studying my AS levels which are Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths. Having been involved with MUN for over two years I have held many different positions from delegate to chair.


When I am not drowning in piles of work and textbooks I usually spend my free time exploring topics related to Astronomy and Microbiology along with binge watching television series such as Elementary and Scorpion.


I hope that all delegates in this conference will be able to engage in debate and bring back experience along with the new skills gained.


Ana Kanhasuwan


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