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  • The economic impact from increased use of artificial intelligence

  • The digitalization of the financial industry

  • Promoting the improvement of self-sufficiency in developing nations



Mild Trakarnsakikul

Honorable Chairs, Esteemed Delegates, Distinguished Advisors and Guests,
My name is Mild, I am a student at St. Andrews Green Valley International School. I am honored to be able to serve you as the ECOSOC Chair at the FobisiaMUN conference. Model United Nations has given me memorable experiences and shaped me into who I am today.
Over the past two years, I’ve attended 14 conferences which given me new perspectives and a wider knowledge of the world. I have made long-lasting friendship with people who share the same passion to make a change. MUN have taught me that everyone can have an impact on this world no matter how big or small of a country you are. Besides MUN, I enjoy reading books, painting and listening to music. I hope to be able to bring my leadership, organization and MUN experiences to make the day enjoyable for the delegates in my committee.
I'm looking forward to see you all at the conference this December.

Alibi Bolat

Honorable Chairs and Esteemed delegates, my name is Alibi and I am very excited to have the opportunity to chair the ECOSOC at the FOBISIA MUN conference. This will be my 7th conference and second time chairing. I joined Harrow International School Bangkok this year. I used to study at an international school in Cambodia, although I am from Kazakhstan. I like listening to music, singing, swimming and traveling. In my spare time, I enjoy to hanging out with my friends, watching family comedies with my family and reading comic books. I am looking forward to meeting you all at the conference, and hope that we all can learn something from this experience.

Download the chair report 
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