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  • The question of reducing carbon emission intensity 

  • The question of conserving endangered ecosystems

  • The question of energy generation using nuclear power sources



Greetings delegates, my name is Sartsawat Muangmanee but I go by Tigger, I have an interesting story for how I got that name but that is a story for a later time. Anyways, I am truly excited to be chairing you; I am a sixth former at St Stephen’s International School studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. I wish to study medicine when I get to university and I am aiming for the joint medical course at Srinakarin University and Nottingham University. I was one of the “pioneers” of MUN at my school being part of the first ever MUN team and paving the way for my fellow students to join me. Having been involved with MUN for 3 years now it would seem shocking to some that this will be my first chairing experience. Aside from sinking in a pile of unfinished work I enjoy activities such as but not limited to; camping, cooking, baking and most importantly browsing dank memes. I also enjoy getting lost in fantasy novels, namely the Lord of the Rings series and more recently, Game of Thrones. I look forward to meeting, chairing and debating with you all at the conference, Thank you.

Sartsawat Muangmanee (Tigger)
Keen Burapath

My name is Keen Burapath, and I will be chairing the Environmental Committee, for which I am very looking forward to doing. My experience with MUN has not been superbly extensive, having been involved for only 3 years. In spite of this, I am very excited to see all the constructive debate that will take place over the course of the conference, and am happy to aid any delegates who needs assistance. Currently, I am studying for the IGCSE exams, and the subjects that I most enjoy are maths, physics, and economics.

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